Figure 3. Dependence of intracellular Ca2+ levels on the binding affinities of HypF-N and Aβ42 oligomers to cells with different GM1 and cholesterol content.
(A,B) Changes of the intracellular Ca2+ levels plotted against the fraction of oligomer binding to the plasma membrane in GM1-modulated SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells treated for 1 h with (A) 12 μM type A (red) or type B (blue) oligomers of HypF-N; (B) 10 μM A+ (violet) or A− (green) oligomers of Aβ42; (C) plot showing results with both pairs of HypF-N and Aβ42 oligomers. (D) Same plot as (C), also containing previously published data obtained with 12 μM type A (cyan) or type B (gray) HypF-N oligomers in cholesterol-modulated cells20.