Sequence and structure information of BnMEB2. (A) Gene structural of AtVIT1, AtMEB2 and BnMEB2. The different color lines and boxes represent introns, UTR, exons and VIT domain, respectively. Lengths of exons and introns of each gene are displayed proportionally. (B) Amino acid sequence alignment with AtMEB2. The identical amino acid residues were black-shaded and similar ones were indicated by gray-shaded. Their highly conserved sequence of VIT domains are underlined. (C) Phylogenetic relationship of BnMEB2, the vacuolar iron transporters AtVIT1 (At2g01770), AtMEB1 (At4g27860), AtMEB2 (At5g24290) from Arabidopsis thaliana and their homologs from Brassica rapa, Brassica oleracea and Brassica napus. The scale bar represents the branch lengths.