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. 2016 Sep 9;6(9):e011439. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011439

Table 1.

Background characteristics of female sex workers by mobility in Andhra Pradesh, India, 2014

Background characteristics Per cent (n) or mean (SD) Mobility for the sex work
p Value
No mobility Within district Outside district
Age (mean, SD) 30.9 (5.8) 30.7 (6.0) 31.2 (5.7) 31.0 (6.0)
Age (years) 0.100
 <30 43.3 (1040) 45.5 40.9 41.9
 ≥30 56.7 (1360) 54.5 59.1 58.0
Formal education 0.000
 No 56.2 (1350) 60.3 56.4 45.5
 Yes 43.8 (1050) 39.7 43.6 54.5
Marital status 0.000
 Never married 5.0 (119) 6.6 3.3 3.8
 Currently married 66.5 (1596) 68.4 67.0 60.7
 Formerly married 28.5 (685) 25.0 29.7 35.5
Primary place of solicitation for sex work 0.000
 Home-based 13.9 (333) 19.9 8.9 7.0
 Public places/street 4.5 (109) 4.3 4.8 4.6
 Brothel and lodge-based 27.6 (663) 26.9 30.7 24.0
 Mobile phones 54.0 (1295) 48.9 55.5 64.2
Duration of sex work (years) 0.005
 <5 54.3 (1304) 56.6 54.8 47.7
 ≥5 45.7 (1096) 43.4 45.2 52.3
Under debt at the time of survey 0.013
 No 33.9 (814) 35.5 35.0 28.0
 Yes 66.1 (1586) 64.5 65.0 72.0
Mobility for sex work in past 2 years
 No mobility 48.3 (1162)
 Mobility inside district 32.7 (785)
 Mobility outside district 19.0 (453)
Inconsistent condom use with clients (occasional/regular) 0.001
 No 71.2 (1709) 67.7 74.5 74.4
 Yes 28.8 (691) 32.3 25.5 25.6
Self-reported STI symptoms in past 1 year 0.000
 No 64.5 (1549) 76.8 57.4 45.5
 Yes 35.5 (851) 23.2 42.6 54.5
Experience of violence in past 1 year 0.000
 No 76.0 (1824) 85.7 75.0 52.8
 Yes 24.0 (576) 14.3 25.0 47.2
Total sample 100.0 (2400) 100.0 (1162) 100.0 (785) 100.0 (453)

SD stands for SD.

p Value were calculated through the χ2 test.

STI, sexually transmitted infection.