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. 2016 Aug;13(8):1370–1377. doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201601-087OC

Table 2.

Perceptions of sleep in the intensive care unit

Question All Respondents* Sleep Protocol in ICU
P Value
Yes (n = 391) No or Unknown (n = 815)
In a 24-h day in the ICU, how many hours …        
 Do your patients sleep? n = 1,192        
  <4 182 (15%) 46 (12%) 134 (17%) 0.01
  ≥4 and <6 599 (50%) 182 (47%) 412 (52%)  
  ≥6 and <8 277 (23%) 105 (27%) 171 (21%)  
  ≥8 134 (11%) 51 (13%) 82 (10%)  
  Mean (SD) 5.2 (2.0) 5.5 (2.5) 5.1 (2.2) 0.001
 Of dedicated sleep are sufficient for your patients? n = 1,191        
  <6 57 (5%) 17 (4%) 40 (5%) 0.14
  ≥6 and <8 450 (38%) 131 (34%) 316 (40%)  
  ≥8 684 (57%) 236 (61%) 442 (55%)  
  Mean (SD) 7.6 (2.0) 7.7 (1.7) 7.6 (1.6) 0.17
 Of sleep can be realistically achieved by your patients? n = 1,184        
  Less than 6 535 (45%) 160 (42%) 370 (47%) 0.21
  ≥6 and <8 489 (41%) 163 (43%) 325 (41%)  
  ≥8 160 (14%) 59 (15%) 99 (12%)  
  Mean (SD) 5.5 (2.0) 5.7 (1.8) 5.5 (1.6) 0.08
Rate the overall quality of sleep while your patients are in the ICU, n = 1,207        
 Very poor 233 (19%) 51 (13%) 181 (22%) <0.001
 Poor 668 (55%) 205 (53%) 454 (56%)  
 Fair 275 (23%) 117 (30%) 157 (19%)  
 Good, very good, or excellent 31 (3%) 14 (4%) 17 (2%)  
How important is it that your patients sleep while in the ICU? n = 1,206        
 1 (unimportant) or 2 or 3 59 (5%) 14 (4%) 43 (5%) 0.48
 4 (moderately important) 167 (14%) 54 (14%) 111 (14%)  
 5 (very important) 447 (37%) 137 (36%) 304 (38%)  
 6 (extremely important) 533 (44%) 178 (46%) 347 (43%)  
Do you believe that poor sleep could affect critically ill patients’ recovery? n = 1,214        
 Yes 1,116 (88%) 358 (92%) 749 (92%) 0.09
 No 4 (0%) 3 (1%) 1 (0%)  
 Maybe 83 (7%) 29 (7%) 52 (6%)  
 Do not know 11 (1%) 1 (0%) 10 (1%)  
What aspects of patient recovery are adversely affected by poor sleep in the ICU? n = 1,207
 Development or persistence of delirium 1,168 (97%) 381 (97%) 777 (95%) 0.08
 Development of depression 1,073 (89%) 343 (88%) 722 (89%) 0.66
 Hospital length of stay 1,065 (88%) 341 (87%) 714 (88%) 0.85
 Ability to participate in physical therapy 1,055 (87%) 342 (87%) 703 (86%) 0.56
 Liberation from mechanical ventilation 1,001 (83%) 323 (83%) 669 (82%) 0.82
 Ability to fight off infection 935 (77%) 315 (81%) 613 (75%) 0.04
 Ability to heal wounds 833 (69%) 286 (73%) 540 (66%) 0.02
 Survival 646 (54%) 217 (56%) 423 (52%) 0.24

Definition of abbreviation: ICU = intensive care unit.


Total responses do not total 1,223 because not all respondents answered the question. Percentages represent proportion of responses to completed questions.

Calculated using Student’s t test for continuous variables and χ2 tests for categorical variables.