a, Schema illustrating split luciferase assay. Fusion constructs of PCDH7 and Cx43 were created with either the N or C terminal halves of luciferase, NLuc and CLuc, respectively. When these proteins are brought into proximity, luciferase is functionally reconstituted, producing photons of light. b, Cx43 and PCDH7 constructs fused with N-terminal and C-terminal firefly luciferase halves (N-luc) and (C-luc) were expressed in parental cell lines. The table (top) numerically identifies the cell line combinations used in the assays (bottom), and bioluminescence imaging (BLI) of a representative plate. c, Cx43 and PCDH7 western immunoblotting in cancer cells overexpressing fusion proteins. d, Quantification of BLI after co-culture of Cx43-CLuc/PCDH7-NLuc(+) cancer cells and astrocytes for 15 min. (3 independent experiments) e-g, Luciferase split assay to detect Cx43-E cadherin or Cx43-N cadherin interactions. Cell line combinations used in the assays are numerically identified in the table (e), and confirmed by western immunoblotting (f). Bioluminescence imaging (BLI) of a representative assay plate; cell line combinations are indicated numerically (g). (n ≥ 2 independent experiments).