FIG 1.
MORC3 associates with Sp100 in PML NBs and ICP0 early during wt HSV-1 infection and is subsequently degraded. HFs were either mock infected or infected with wt HSV-1 (MOI of 2), fixed, and permeabilized at 1 or 2 h postinfection. Cells were analyzed for association of MORC3 (Novus Biologicals) (red) with Sp100 (top row, showing concentrations of MORC3 associated with Sp100 in a variable manner; see also Fig. 4) and with ICP0 (11060) (green) in infected cells using confocal microscopy. The blue signal in the merged channel is DAPI. The arrow indicates a cell with ICP0 in association with MORC3. The MORC3 signal diminishes as infection progresses.