Gel image of electropherogram for (a), (b), and (c) sets of Seeplex® RV15 OneStep ACE Detection test: (L) ladder; (1) sample negative in sets (a) and (b) and positive for influenza B and enterovirus in set (c); (2) sample positive for human coronavirus 229/NL63 in set (a) and negative in set (b) and set (c); (3) sample negative in set (a), positive for human coronavirus OC43 in set (b), and positive for metapneumovirus in set (c); (4) sample negative in sets (a) and (b) and positive for metapneumovirus and enterovirus in set (c). PC: positive control; set (a) = 859 bp/PCR control, 534 bp/adenovirus, 375 bp/coronavirus 229/NL63, 264 bp/parainfluenza type 2, 189 bp/parainfluenza type 3, and 153 bp/parainfluenza type 1; set (b) = 850 bp/PCR control, 578 bp/coronavirus OC43, 394 bp/rhinovirus, 269 bp/respiratory syncytial virus A, 206 bp/influenza A, and 155 bp/respiratory syncytial virus B; set (c) = 579 bp/bocavirus, 456 bp/influenza B virus, 351 bp/metapneumovirus, 254 bp/parainfluenza virus type 4, 194 bp/enterovirus, and 153 bp/whole process control; NC: negative control.