Mouse |
very small |
low cost, amenability, standardized variants |
post-operative management, low translability |
chemically- and genetically-induced OA |
Guinea pig |
very small |
low costs, similarity with human OA |
sedentary behaviour, low translability |
spontaneous and chemically-induced OA |
Rat |
small |
low cost, amenability |
post-operative management |
surgically- and chemically-induced OA |
Rabbit |
small |
amenability |
self-regeneration, differences with human anatomy, post-operative management |
surgically- and chemically-induced OA |
Dog |
medium/large |
radiologic evaluation |
high costs, perception |
spontaneous and surgically-induced OA |
Sheep/goat |
large |
amenability, radiologic evaluation, large joints |
high costs, physiology |
meniscectomy |
Horse |
large |
radiologic evaluation |
high costs, anatomy, perception |
spontaneous OA and overuse |