Figure 4. Fcε-RI stimulation induces TRPM4-EYFP translocation to the plasma membrane in PCMCs following lentiviral transduction.
(A) TRPM4-EYFP expression after lentiviral transduction in non stimulated PCMC (PLL low). The plasmamembrane is visualized using the cell mask deep red stain (Invitrogen). (P = Pearson’s coefficient, calculated for the presented image section). (B) TRPM4-EYFP expression in the same cell before and 20 to 30 min after FcεRI stimulation. PCMC’s were stimulated with 1 μg/ml DNP. The cells were incubated with 600 ng/ml anti-DNP-IgE for 13 h and plated on 0.001% PLL coated coverslides 15 min before microscopy. Analysis of fluorescence intensity distribution by multi plot analysis using 16 cell lines before and after FcεRI stimulation. (C) Average fluorescence intensity profile of 16 lines as shown in B using multi plot analysis for one exemplary cell before and after FcεRI stimulation. (AU = arbitrary units). (D) Average peak fluorescence intensity as shown in B, C of 4 independent masurements (4 cells) before and after FcεRI stimulation. Shown are the means and the standard errors for each condition. (*p < 0.05; T-test for dependent samples, n = 4).