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. 2016 Sep 14;6:33420. doi: 10.1038/srep33420

Figure 5. Planar organisation and function of PCP proteins in the eye.

Figure 5

(A–E) Vang::YFP mosaics. (A) Characteristic distribution of Vang::YFP in 32 h APF ommatidia. (B,C) Vang::YFP is enriched on outer interfaces of primary pigment cells (+) and depleted on their inner interfaces (−). (D,E) Vang::YFP in cone cells. (D) Vang::YFP is depleted (−) in anterior cone cells (left) at their interface with polar cone cells and in posterior cone cells (right) at their interface with equatorial cone cells. (E) Polar cone cells (top) are devoid of Vang::YFP signal (−) at their interface with the posterior cone cells and equatorial cone cells (bottom) are devoid of Vang::YFP signal (−) at their interface with anterior cone cells. (F–J) Fz::YFP mosaics. (F) Characteristic distribution of Fz::YFP in ommatidia. (G,H) In primary pigment cells, Fz is enriched on inner interfaces in contact with cone cells (+) and depleted elsewhere (−). (I,J) Fz is enriched on one interface per cone cell. (I) Fz is enriched in anterior cone cells (left) at the interface with polar cone cells (+). In posterior cone cells (right) Fz is enriched on the interface with equatorial cone cells (+). (J) Fz is enriched in polar cone cells (top) at the interface with posterior cone cells (+). In equatorial cone cells (bottom) Fz is loaded at the interface with anterior cone cells (+). Altogether, the Fz pattern is the negative of the Vang pattern. (K–P) Baz::GFP mosaics in stan null mutant cells (remaining wild type cells are indicated by asterisks). (K–P) Improper ommatidial rotation60,89 and misplaced bristles in stan mutants prevent us from determining the antero-posterior and the polar-equatorial axes. Therefore, ommatidia are oriented using the long axis of primary pigment cells in (K–P). (K–M) Polar/equatorial cells express Baz::GFP on their contacts with anterior/posterior cone cells, i.e. no Baz::GFP depletion is observed (compare with Fig. 2P). Baz::GFP shows an even distribution around the cortex of isolated anterior/posterior (L) and polar/equatorial (N) cone cells. (O,P) Polar/equatorial cells express Baz::GFP on their shared interface with anterior/posterior cone cells (compare with Fig. 2Q,R).