Fig. 6.
Bio-sensing by using SiPM/MnO2 composite. (A) Photolumunescence spectra (excitation wavelength: 420 nm) of SiPM/MnO2 resulted from various concentration of KMnO4 in reaction. (B) The quenching efficiency of MnO2 on SiPM along with increasing concentration of KMnO4, inset is captured images of corresponding SiPM/MnO2 composites. (C) TEM image of SiPM/MnO2 composite slices (thickness: 70 nm) (D) The fluorescence spectra (excitation wavelength: 420 nm) of SiPM/MnO2 (SiPM reacted with 2 mM KMnO4) with increasing GSH concentration.