Fig. 8.
(A) TEM image of SiPM/AuNP slices (70 nm thin), indicating SiPM reduced gold ions to form AuNP (dark-phased black particles) throughout SiPM matrix. (B) EDS spectrum of SiPM/Au0.5/Pt0.5, inset is elements composition. (C) UV-vis spectra during catalytic conversion of 4-NP by SiPM/Au0.5/Pt0.5 over time, inset is principle of reduction of 4-NP by NaBH4 to form 4-AP (D) Ln (C/C0) versus t for the reduction of 4-NP catalyzed by SiPM/Au, SiPM/Pt and SiPM/ Au0.5/Pt0.5.