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. 2016 Sep 14;11(9):e0161947. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0161947

Table 3. Global estimates of carbon emissions using the average of both models and applying correction factors without (model AC) and with allocation (alloc. AC), and results from the training dataset or previous literature (prev.).

Average (kg/MWh) Median (kg/MWh) Max (kg/MWh) Total (Tg/a) Total (Tg C/a)
CO2 Prev. 85.0a 74.4b 47055b NA 82.0acd
Model AC 236 102 62733 840 229
Alloc. AC 173 55.1 62733 615 168
CH4 Prev. 3.5a 0.9b 2523b NA 7.9acd
Model AC 4.94 0.63 15072 17.5 13.2
Alloc. AC 2.95 0.43 5024 10.5 7.84
CO2e Prev. NA NA NA 288.0c NA
Model AC 404 136 501387 1436 NA
Alloc. AC 273 84.0 167129 970 NA

a Hertwich [8]

b Derived from the training dataset as provided in the supporting information of Barros et al. [7] and Hertwich [8]

c Barros et al. [7]

d The values are recalculated from the average emissions given by Hertwich [8]. The author reported 76 and 7.3 Tg C for CO2 and CH4, assuming 3288 TWh total hydroelectricity generation in 2009 compared to 3551 TWh assumed in this study. Barros et al. [7] reported 48 and 3 Tg C.