Effect of CGRP on ATP- and ADP-induced Ca2+ transients in trigeminal neurons. a Intracellular calcium transients evoked by 2 s application of 1 μM ATP, 50 mM KCl, and 10 μM ionomycin in trigeminal neurons in control conditions (average of 5 traces with SEM). b Transients induced by ATP, KCl, and ionomycin after 2 h exposure to 1 μM CGRP (average of 5 traces). c Quantification of CGRP effect on Ca2+ transients activated by 1 μM ATP (n = 40 cells) or 1 μM ADP (n = 40 cells) in control and after CGRP exposure (n = 84 cells in both cases). Notice that CGRP increased Ca2+ responses to ATP. Mean ± SEM, *p < 0.05, determined by the Mann-Whitney test