Figure 6. kat80-IR delays anaphase onset in Drosophila central brain neuroblasts, causing a reduction in their numbers.
(A–C) kat80-IR was expressed under worniu-Gal4, UAS-mir::GFP, UAS-zeus::mCherry. Thirty NBs from worniu>kat80-IR and 6 NBs from worniu>gal4 3rd instar larval brains were used for time- lapse imaging. Wild type NBs exhibit anaphase onset at ~ 10.33 ± 0.82 minutes after nuclear envelope breakdown. kat80-IR leads to increase in anaphase onset time with an average of about 17.9 ± 3.59 minutes (error bars indicate standard deviation; two-tailed test, P=0.008). In addition, 4 NBs failed to display anaphase onset even after 2 hours of imaging (C). Snapshots of live imaging of 3rd instar larval brains expressing kat80-IR under worniu>Gal4, mir-GFP, zeus-mcherry. A wild type (D–F) and a kat80-IR (G–I) NB undergoing division are shown. kat80-IR expression results in multiple centrosomes (asterisks in G–H), and multipolar and barrel-shaped spindles (arrowhead in I). (J) Quantification of time to anaphase onset of 30 kat80-IR NBs compared with wild type (yw) cells reveals significant delay in mutant NBs.