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. 2016 Sep 15;13:25. doi: 10.1186/s12954-016-0114-1

Table 1.

Baseline cohort characteristics

Study Location Number Eligible age range Study period OST uptake SIF present Homeless in the past 6 months (%) Incarceration HIV+ in sample (%) Female (%)
Proyecto El Cuete IV Tijuana, Mexico 750 18+ 2010–2020 28 % ever No 20 71 % ever 5 38
STAHR II San Diego, USA 575 18+ 2012–2016 23 % ever No 55 78 % ever 10 26
V-DUSa Vancouver, Canada 1735 18+ 1996–2020 53 % ever Yes 5 19 % ever 0d 31
COSINUSb Paris, Marseille, Bordeaux, and Strasbourg, France 680 18+ 2016–2018 Yesc

aRefers to current VIDUS II sample (set to merge into V-DUS in 2016)

bData collection to begin in Fall 2016

cSIF likely to be implemented in Paris and Strasbourg in Fall 2016

dAll VIDUS II participants are HIV-negative at baseline