Figure 7. Food palatability restores feeding deficit of AgRP-ablated mice on feeding restricted schedule.
Five-day cumulative locomotor activity (A) and cumulative caloric intake (D) of control (black, blue) and AgRP-ablated (red, orange) mice with 2-h restricted access to chow (black, red) or HFHS diet (blue, orange); n=6 per group, a, b and c, differ significantly (P<0.05). Time bars: food ad libitum (striped) daylight (white), night (black). Arrows indicate 2-h food access. (B and C) Spontaneous locomotor activity of control (black, blue) and AgRP-ablated (red, orange) mice fed with a chow (black and red) or HFHS diet (blue and orange) at day 3, 4 and 5 of restricted schedule, recorded during the 2 h before food being available (B) and during the 2 h before food access (FAA) and 2 h of food availability (Meal) (C); ANOVA with groups, diet and days and their interactions as factors showed a significance diminished locomotor activity referred as Food Anticipatory Activity (FAA) in mice lacking AgRP neurons only when fed a chow diet (from the ANOVA; 2307 ± 206,3 vs 1327 ± 225.9 under a chow diet P<0,01. 2082 ± 346.1 vs 1489 ± 325.1 under HFHS, ns). N= 6 per group *, P <0.05, control vs AgRP-ablated mice. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM. (See also Figure S6, S7).