Statistical parametric maps from the flexible factorial model showing that neural responses to prediction errors at the time of outcome occurred in the ventral striatum in each of the three learning conditions separately. Activation in ventral striatum parametrically varied with reward prediction errors for (A) self, (B) prosocial, and (C) no one conditions: (A) MNI coordinates [x = 16, y = 8, z = −9], Z = 5.8. k = 488, P = 0.001 voxel-level small-volume family-wise error corrected (SVC-FWE), and [x = −12, y = 8, z = −11], Z = 5.22, k = 516, P = 0.001 SVC-FWE. (B) [x = 8, y = 12, z = −11], Z = 5.02, k = 435, P = 0.001 (SVC-FWE), and [x = −9, y = 12, z = −11], Z = 4.66, k = 403, P = 0.001 SVC-FWE. (C) [x = 10, y = 15, z = −11], Z = 4.23, k = 151, P = 0.001 (SVC-FWE), and [x= −12, y = 10, z = −11], Z = 3.72, k = 97, P = 0.001 SVC-FWE. In the prosocial condition, this reward prediction error signal was also present in the subgenual cingulate cortex (medial component of the cluster in B, FWE P < 0.05, small-volume corrected). Images are thresholded at P < 0.001 uncorrected for display purposes and the color bar indicates t values.