Fig. S1.
Changes in immunocyte populations induced by JAKi treatment. Splenocyte profiles were assessed by flow cytometry after treatment with JAKi. Representative profiles and gating strategy are shown. J1, JAK1i; Ba, Bari; To, Tofa; J3, JAK3i. (A) Gating strategy for NK cells. (B) Myeloid cells: DCs and Ly6clow or high monocytes; several experiments with treatments of 1 and 4 wk (in red) are combined, and values are shown normalized to the mean of vehicle-treated mice in the corresponding experiment. (C) B lymphocytes and subsets thereof. FO, follicular B cells; MZ, marginal zone B cells; T1, T2, transitional B cells. (D) CD4+ and CD8+ T (as proportion of total lymphocytes) and FoxP3+ Tregs (as proportion of CD4+ T cells). *P < 0.01; **P < 0.001 (Mann–Whitney u test).