A: Prevalence of core diagnostic features of bvFTD patients. B: Percentage of patients with the initial symptoms in behavior, executive, memory, language, and motor domains. C: Rates of NACC behavioral symptom checklist categories in bvFTD patients during the first 12 months of presenting to memory clinic (n=94). Note that only the top six symptoms are shown in descending order from left to right. D: The rates of symptoms in each of the main domains, in bvFTD patients categorized according to their disease severity (i.e. FTLD-CDRSOB score). FTDC = Frontotemporal Dementia Criteria Consortium; FTLD-CDRSOB = Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration modified Clinical Dementia Rating Sum of Boxes (CDRSOB); NACC = National Alzheimer Coordinating Center.