Table 1.
Descriptive statistics and correlations for study variables (n = 465).
Variable | 2. | 3. | 4. | 5. | 6. | 7. | 8. | 9. | 10. | 11. | Mean or N (SD or %) |
1. Gender (% Female)a | −.106* | −.059 | .136** | .002 | .261** | .184** | −.015 | .056 | .224** | .284** | 225 (48.4) |
2. AUDIT totala | .195** | .245** | −.117* | .121** | .037 | −.110* | −.117* | .091 | .046 | 6.2 (6.02) | |
3. Cannabis Use (% Y)a | .074 | .039 | −.008 | −.066 | −.061 | −.128** | −.002 | −.109* | 260 (55.9) | ||
4. PANAS-NA a | .010 | .720** | .244** | .054 | −.055 | .370** | .369** | 19.1 (7.06) | |||
5. Medical Problems (%Y)a | −.023 | .058 | −.021 | .004 | .006 | .016 | 138 (29.7) | ||||
6. PSWQb | .307** | .111* | −.023 | .402** | .384** | 43.6 (14.26) | |||||
7. AISc | .255** | .197** | .582** | .409** | 45.0 (10.74) | ||||||
8. FTNDd | .219** | .196** | .179** | 5.2 (2.28) | |||||||
9. MASCd | .079 | .092* | 31.0 (7.12) | ||||||||
10. BCSd | .511** | 24.9 (11.05) | |||||||||
11. Quit Problemsd | 2.0 (0.67) |
p < .05;
p < .01;
Predictor Variable;
Explanatory Variable;
Criterion Variables
Gender = % listed are females (coded 0=male, 1=female); AUDIT Total = Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test; Cannabis Use = Past 30 days cannabis use status per the Marijuana Smoking History Questionnaire, percent endorsed yes is listed; Medical Problems = Tobacco-related medical problems as indicated by the a medical history form, percent endorsed yes is listed; PANAS-NA = Positive and Negative Affect Scales – Negative Affect subscale; PSWQ = Penn State Worry Questionnaire; AIS = Acceptance and Inflexibility Scale – Total score; FTND = Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence – total score; MASC = Motivational Aspects of Smoking Cessation; BCS = Barriers to Cessation Scale – Total score; Quit Problems = Average severity of problems experienced while quitting per the Smoking History Questionnaire. Columns numbers 1 – 12 correspond to the variables numbers in the far left column.