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. 2016 Sep 15;11(9):e0162441. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0162441

Table 1. Baseline cohort characteristics and model inputs.

Variable Mean Standard Deviation Source
Age (years) 42.98 19.14 [4]
Duration (years) 16.92 13.31
Proportion male 0.57 -
HbA1c (%) 8.60 4.00
SBP(mmHg) 128.27 16.07
DBP(mmHg) 73.55 15.25 [30]
Total-C (mg/dL) 176.50 33 [4]
HDL-C (mg/dL) 50.25 13
BMI (kg/m2) 27.09 5.77
Proportion smoker 0.22 .
NSHE 29 6.48 [31]
SHE 0.46 0.064
Event Utility Decrement Source Event Cost (£) SE Maintenance Cost (£) SE Source
Baseline 0.810 [32] - - - - -
CVD (non-fatal) -0.076 [32, 33] 4688.69 468.87 585.75 58.57 [4]
CVD (fatal) - 3824.34 382.43
BDR -* [34] - - - -
PDR -0.086** - - - -
Severe vision loss -0.185*** 5585 558.5 5396 540
Macular edema - Assumed - - - -
Micro-albuminuria - Assumed - - - -
Macro-albuminuria -0.017 [35] - - - -
Impaired GFR -0.017 Assumed
Dialysis -0.330 [32] 30480 3048 30480 3048 [4]
Transplant -0.076 [36] 20373 2037.3 7609 760.9
Neuropathy -0.055 [35] 361.6 36.16 361.6 36.16
Ketoacidosis - Assumed 952 95.2 - -
PVD - Assumed
Uncomplicated FU -0.083 [37] 4070 407 5483 54.83 [4]
Deep foot infection -0.083 Assumed 7328 732.8 7328 732.8
FU/critical ischaemia -0.083 Assumed 10336 1.033.60 10336 1036.6
Minor amputation -0.116 [35] 11290 1129 11290 1129
Major amputation -0.116 11290 1129 11290 1129
NSHE -0.014 [7] - - - -
SHE -0.047 333 - - - [27]
BMI -0.006 [38] - - - - [4]
Hyperlipidaemia 38.22 - 3.82 38.22 3.82
ACE inhibitor therapy 18.54 1.85 18.54 1.85

ACE: angiotensin-converting-enzyme; BDR: background diabetic retinopathy; BMI: body mass index; C: cholesterol; CVD: cardiovascular disease; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; FU: foot ulcer; GFR: glomerular filtration rate; HbA1c: haemoglobin A1c; HDL: high-density lipoprotein; NSHE: nocturnal non-severe hypoglycaemic event; PDR: proliferative diabetic retinopathy; PVD: peripheral vascular disease; SBP: systolic blood pressure; SHE: severe hypoglycaemic event.

CVD was calculated as 60% MI, 32% angina and 8% stroke, where a utility decrement of 0.06 for MI and 0.22 for stroke were taken from Lung et al. A utility decrement of 0.07 for angina was taken from Lee et al.

* BDR taken as a 6/6–6/9 vision on the visual acuity scale.

** PDR taken as a 6/12–6/18 vision on the visual acuity scale.

*** Severe vision loss taken as 6/60–6/120 vision on the visual acuity scale.

value was taken as diabetic kidney disease.

value was taken as a generic ulcer, assumed equal for uncomplicated and complicated foot ulcer as well as foot ulcer with critical ischaemia.

value taken was for generic amputation, assumed equal for minor and major.

Disutility presented as mean per event although the model implements the regression equations reported in [7] linking frequency and severity of hypoglycaemia to utility via the fear of hypoglycaemia score.