Standardized First- and Second-order regression models of RSA patterns predicting mood repair during an attention refocusing task. Effects of categorical predictors standardized with respect to the outcome variable. Parameters within parentheses are from the first-order effects models. Parameters outside parentheses are from the second-order effects models. Bold parameters, significant at p < .05; and non-significant effects omitted to improve interpretability. Prob = proband group membership, RSA =RSA during paced breathing, ΔRSA = change score from paced breathing RSA to RSA during the sad film, RSAxΔRSA = second order effects of RSA indices, Sad R. =change from baseline to post-film average sad/blue ratings, CDI-2 = self-report Child Depression Inventory-2, Dysphoria Repair = change from post-film to post repair task average sad/blue ratings, Rx =prescription medication use, T. Order = task order.