Figure 1. Expression of HDAC9 in the kidney tissue from patients with DKD.
(A) HDAC9 mRNA expression was significantly increased in renal tissues from DKD patients (n = 19) when compared with control tissues (n = 50) from NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus database (GEO, Access ID: GSE30122) (P < 0.0001). (B) GSEA was performed with KEGG E-MEXP-3628 dataset. JAK/STAT pathway was with the strongest association with HDAC9-higher expression. (C) HDAC9 protein level and STAT3 phosphorylation were significantly higher in DN tissues (DN1-DN4) than that in normal control tissues (N1-N4) collected from Department of Nephrology, Shanghai East Hospital as determined by western blot analysis. Densitometric quantification was shown on the bottom. **P < 0.01 vs normal control, n = 4.