Figure 2. Locations of biodiversity sampling sites for different land-cover types in south-central Sichuan.
Each polygon is a county, with the text inside indicating its name. Counties in bold and colour are where field surveys were conducted, with elevation displayed in a gradient of grey shades using the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data courtesy of the Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center74. Dot and cross signs represent sampling sites for birds (point count stations) and bees (trapping plots), respectively, with different colours representing different land-cover types: CL (yellow), cropland; NF (dark green), native forest; EC (light green), eucalyptus monoculture; BB (blue), bamboo monoculture; JC (red), Japanese cedar monoculture and MF (purple), mixed GFGP forest. Administrative borders for individual counties are courtesy of the National Geomatics Center of China73. Nature publications remain neutral with regard to contested jurisdictional claims in published maps.