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. 2015 Aug 28;33:17. doi: 10.1186/s41043-015-0027-8

Table 2.

Number of events and corresponding completeness rates (%) in the survey

Event type Questionnaire type
Both Birth history Pregnancy history
Actual no. of events Completeness (%) Actual no. of events Completeness (%) Actual no. of events Completeness (%)
Number of womena 1925 930 995
Live births 5425 99.2 2666 99.0 2759 99.4
All infant deaths 0–119 months before survey 315 84.1 138 81.9 177 85.9
Infants deaths 0–59 months before survey 151 88.1 69 85.5 82 90.2
Infant deaths 60–119 months before survey 164 80.5 69 78.3 95 82.1
Neonatal deaths 192 82.3 84 81.0 108 83.3
Early neonatal 135 80.7 58 79.3 77 81.8
Late neonatal 57 86.0 26 84.6 31 87.1
Post neonatal 123 87.0 54 83.3 69 89.9
Living children 4718 99.9 2339 99.8 2379 100.0
Dead children* 707 94.5 327 93.0 380 95.8

*Observed difference between birth histories and pregnancy histories were marginally significant (p = 0.07) among dead children

aNumber of women who did not out-migrate between June 1979 and May 1994 and whose last pregnancy occurred during that period