Table 1.
Questiona | Mean | SD | |
I | Elders in upriver villages work a lot in their agricultural fields, but the Tsimane’ living in the town prefer working for loggers and do not so much in their fields. How important is it for you to work in the fields? Where would you put yourself on the ladder? | 1.41 | 1.28 |
II | For elders in upriver villages it is important that their children marry their cross-cousin. For the Tsimane’ living in town it is not important that their children marry their cross-cousin. How important is it for you that your children marry their cross-cousin? Where would you put yourself on the ladder? | 1.39 | 1.52 |
III | Elders in upriver villages like to fish communally with plant poison (barbasco), but Tsimane’ living in town rarely fish communally with plant poison. How important is it for you to fish communally with plant poison? Where would you put yourself on the ladder? | 1.60 | 1.28 |
IV | When the elders in upriver villages plant manioc, they do not touch their hair to ensure the good growth of the plant, but Tsimane’ living in town do not follow this custom. How important is it for you to follow this custom? Where would you put yourself on the ladder? | 1.70 | 1.43 |
V | When elders in upriver villages get sick, they cure themselves with plants; but when the Tsimane’ living in town get sick, they cure themselves with drugs from the pharmacy. Do you prefer to cure yourself with plants or with drugs? Where would you put yourself on the ladder? | 1.80 | 1.39 |
VI | For elders in upriver villages it is important to share väij (Bactris sp. fruits), but the Tsimane’ living in town rarely share väij. How important is to share väij to you? Where would you put yourself on the ladder? | 1.81 | 1.47 |
VII | Elders in upriver villages think that if their bow breaks, they will have bad luck, but the Tsimane’ living in town do not believe a broken bow brings bad luck. Do you think when your bow breaks something bad is going to happen to you? Where would you put yourself on the ladder? | 1.90 | 1.40 |
VIII | Elders in upriver villages ask for permission to the spirit of large trees before cutting down a tree, but the Tsimane’ living in town do not think it is important to ask for permission to the spirit of a trees before cutting it down. How important is it for you to ask permission to the tree spirit before cutting down a tree? Where would you put yourself on the ladder? | 1.93 | 1.49 |
Questions are based on ethnographic information collected by Huanca (2008).