Graphic matrix for subjects (n = 15) sorted by (A) CSI (circadian status index) and (B) by cp-PLR (circadian photoreception PLR). Colour scale corresponds to the relative magnitude for each variable and participant: reddish colours indicate lower scores for both CSI (worse circadian system status) and PLR parameters (less constriction) with those wavelengths in the circadian range (460-490nm). For details on the cp-PLR and CSI indexes calculation see Materials and Methods. The variables included in the macroarrays are wrist temperature (WT), wrist acceleration (WA) and light exposure (L) from the circadian analysis and normalized minimum pupil diameter expressed as pupil constriction and AUC240. M5, the mid-point time of the five consecutive hours with the highest values; VM5, value for M5; L5, the mid-point time of the five consecutive hours with the lowest values; VL5, value for L5; HO, Horne-Östberg Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire score; PSQI, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; Min, minimum pupil diameter (expressed as pupil constriction); AUC240, Area Under the Curve during the last minute (240 seconds) of light exposure. See Materials and Methods for the calculation details.