Figure 6. Coding of different sensory modalities for untrained and trained rats.
(A) Time course of the classification performance for cross-modal stimuli in the group of untrained rats. (B) Time course of the classification performance for cross-modal anticipatory cues in the group of rats that underwent an associative learning. For A and B: solid line represents correctly classified trials (as% ) based on population activity; shading gray area around traces represents 95% bootstrapped CI. Thick black horizontal lines below traces indicate significance from the chance level (95% bootstrapped CI above chance). Dotted horizontal lines indicate chance performance. Red dotted boxes represent the period of cross-modal stimulus presentation. (C) Left most panel: histograms for average cross-modal stimuli classification performance for neurons recorded in untrained rats. Classification performance is evaluated for a 200 ms time bin after stimulus onset. Error bars indicate SD. Right most panel: average classification for correct hits and false hits (second highest classification values after correct hits). Error bars indicate SEM. (D) Left most panel: as in C, but for a 200 ms time bin after stimulus offset. (E) Left most panels: histograms showing cross-modal cues classification performance for neurons recorded in trained rats. Classification performance is evaluated for a 200 ms time bin after stimulus onset. Error bars indicate SD. Right most panel: average classification for correct hits and false hits (second highest classification values after correct ones). Error bars indicate SEM. (F) Left most panels: as in E, but 200 ms after stimulus offset. (G) The time course of the CI measured for 200 ms bins over 1 s before and 2.5 s after cue onset in untrained rats. (H) Time course of the CI measured for 200 ms bins over 1 s before and 2.5 s after cue onset in trained rats. For C, D, E, F: each group of bars shows the percentage of trials classified for each stimulus. Labels under each bar indicate the actual delivered stimulus (S for somatosensory, O for odor, T for tone and L for light). For G and H: solid lines represent correct CI (measured assuming somatosensory and odor cues being similar). Shading around traces represents 95% bootstrapped CI (where the similarity between cues is shuffled, for example tone-odor or light-somatosensory being similar). Black horizontal lines indicate bins in which the CI is significantly different from chance. Asterisk indicates in panels C, D and E indicate p<0.05 for t-test.