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. 2016 Sep 20;188(13):953–961. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.151402

Table 2:

Radiographic findings in IgG4-related disease

Organ system Typical findings
Pancreas58 CT: focal (more common) or diffuse pancreatic enlargement with delayed enhancement and a low-density “halo”; pancreatic atrophy is uncommon
Cholangiography: diffuse irregular narrowing of the pancreatic duct
Salivary gland CT: swelling is often bilateral and preferentially involves the submandibular glands
US:59 multiple hypoechoic lesions in affected glands
MRI:60 homogenous enhancement in hypointense or isointense T2-weighted imaging
Orbits61 CT: involvement of any surrounding structures including lacrimal glands, nerves, extraocular muscles and maxillary and frontal bony structures
Lungs9 CT: four major categories of findings (solid nodular masses, localized ground glass opacities, diffuse ground glass opacities associated with honeycomb lung and bronchovascular thickening); mediastinal lymphadenopathy is common Diffuse tracheal inflammation and subglottic stenoses may also be seen
Arterial system62 CT: adventitial sclerosing inflammation characterized by diffuse wall thickening and late-phase enhancement
Retroperitoneum63 CT: perivascular fibrosis concentrates around the aorta, iliac vessels and vena cava. Occasionally, fibrotic disease will dominate perirectal and retrovesicular spaces. Associated lymphadenopathy and aortitis is common.
Kidneys64 CT: abnormalities noted in 70% of patients with renal disease include bilateral diffuse enlargement, solitary nodules and atrophy
MRI: low-density lesions with T2-weighting hypointensity, with progressive enhancement pattern
Biliary tree Cholangiography: stricturing disease is difficult to differentiate from other causes of sclerosing cholangitis. Common bile duct thickness of > 2.5 mm and continuous strictures can be suggestive of IgG4-RD rather than PSC;65 4 patterns of stricturing disease have been described, but the clinical relevance of the different types is not obvious66
Cholangioscopy: direct mucosal visualization may give diagnostic clues, although this requires thorough validation67
Meninges and brain8 CT: diffuse dural thickening or perineural masses as large as 3 cm in diameter; pituitary lesions require MRI

Note: CT = computed tomography, IgG4-RD = immunoglobulin G4–related disease, MRI = magnetic resonance imaging, PSC = primary sclerosing cholangitis, US = ultrasonography.