A and B, Global and apical longitudinal strain after vehicle (n=14), 200mg/kg (n=15), and 300mg/kg (n=14) ISO injection. C and D, Global and apical longitudinal strain rate after vehicle (n=14), 200mg/kg (n=15), and 300mg/kg (n=14) ISO injection. §p<0.05 vs. BL 300mg/kg; @@p<0.01 between groups. NS=not significant (p>0.05). Data are shown as mean ± SEM. E, Three-dimensional regional wall velocity diagrams show contraction (orange/positive values) or relaxation (blue/negative values) of 4 consecutive cardiac cycles 1 day post-injection. F, Vector diagrams show the direction and magnitude of endocardial contraction at mid-systole 1 day post-injection. Anterior wall (AW), Posterior wall (PW).