Figure 1. GFAP-like immunolabeling in the normal and injured X. laevis retina.
Retinal sections of wild-type (A–D, I–L) and XOPNTR transgenic (E–H) tadpoles were co-stained with GFAP pAb and XAP2 mAb (A, B, E, F, I, J) or GFAP mAb and GαT1 pAb (C, D, G, H, K, L). Green fluorescent secondary antibodies were used to visualize GFAP antibody staining, while red fluorescent secondary antibodies detect XAP2 (unknown epitope) and GαT1 (Transducin) antibodies, which stain rod photoreceptors. Wild-type controls and XOPNTR transgenic tadpoles were treated for 17 days with either DMSO-alone (A, C, E, G) or Mtz (B, D, F, H) to ablate rod photoreceptors. Retinal sections of wild-type tadpoles were stained three days following retinal axotomy. The left, unoperated eyes (I and K) are compared to the right, operated eyes (J and L) of the same animals. Hoescht (blue) stains nuclei of the ONL, INL and GCL, which are the outer nuclear, inner nuclear, and ganglion cell layers (asterisks in I–L), respectively. Scale bar = 25 μm.