Fig. 3.
Loss of calcineurin function promotes TDP-43 dependent neurodegeneration. (a) GFP-labeled D-type GABAergic motor neurons were counted at day 1 of adulthood in vivo in living worms. tax-6(ok2065) had an average of 0.3 neurons lost out of a normal potential complement of 19 total (13VD + 6DD type neurons) (N=25). TDP-43(M337V SS/AA) averaged 0.2 neurons lost per animal (N=30), TDP-43(M337V SS/AA); tax-6(ok2065) averaged 0.2 (N=29), TDP-43(WT) averaged 0.6 (N=32), TDP-43(WT); tax-6(ok2065) averaged 1.5 (N=30), TDP-43(A315T) averaged 2.2 (N=25), and TDP-43(A315T); tax-6(ok2065) animals averaged 6.8 neurons lost (N=22). Significance was evaluated using one-way analysis of variance with Tukey’s multiple comparison test among strains tested. n.s. is not significant. **p<0.05. ***p<0.0001. (b-d) GFP fluorescence images of GABAergic motor neurons. Neuron cell bodies are marked with asterisks. Animals are oriented with head left and ventral down. (b) tax-6(ok2065), (c) TDP-43(WT), (d) TDP-43(WT); tax-6(ok2065), (e) TDP-43(A315T), (f) TDP-43(A315T); tax-6(ok2065).