Figure 2.
The validation of the reliability of microarray data via quantitative real-time PCR. Red curve represents the result of qRT-PCR, while the green curve represents the data of the LncRNAs microarray. y-axis indicates the relative expression level of LncRNAs which was normalized relative to GAPDH expression level by ΔΔCT method compared to the negative group (0 days) via 2−ΔΔCT method. x-axis represents the days after spinal cord injury. (a) The horizontal line means that there is a disagreement between the microarray group and the quantitative real-time PCR group. (a–h) NONMMUT052085, NONMMUT038925, NONMMUT067118, NONMMUT051225, NONMMUT005924, NONMMUT070015, NONMMUT021928, and NONMMUT061607. ∗ represents p ≤ 0.05.