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. 2016 Jul 19;9(3):193–200. doi: 10.3400/avd.oa.16-00034

Table 1.

Characteristics of hospitalized patients with congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, infectious diseases, or inflammatory diseases

Variables N = 69

Age* (years) 80.5 ± 9.5
Women 36 (52.2%)
BMI (kg/m2) 21.6 ± 5.7
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 125.2 ± 20.7
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 69.1 ± 16.7
Duration of rest* (days) 9.8 ± 4.8
Smoking history (Male) (current or past) 16 (48.5%)
Smoking history (Female) (current or past) 3 (8.3%)
Habitual drinker (Male) (current and past) 16 (48.5%)
Habitual drinker (Female) (current and past) 2 (5.6%)
Recent regular exercise (once or more in one week) 14 (20.3%)
Catheterization within last three months 13 (18.8%)
Reason for hospitalization  
 Congestive heart failure 44 (63.8%)
 Infectious diseases 14 (20.3%)
  Pneumonia 9 (13.0%)
  Bronchopneumonia 3 (4.3%)
  Aspiration pneumonia 1 (1.4%)
  Cholangitis 1 (1.4%)
 Acute exacerbation of COPD 9 (13.0%)
 Inflammatory diseases 2 (2.9%)
  Articular rheumatism with pulmonary fibrosis 1 (1.4%)
  Nephrotic syndrome 1 (1.4%)
Mechanical prophylaxis 8 (11.6%)
Taking antiplatelet agents 17 (24.6%)
 Malignancy 13 (18.8%)
 Diabetes 13 (18.8%)
 Dyslipidemia 13 (18.8%)
 Hyperuricemia 22 (31.9%)
 Paralysis 6 (8.7%)
 Hypertension 46 (66.7%)
 Angina pectoris 17 (24.6%)
 Myocardial infarction 7 (10.1%)
 Thrombophilia 1 (1.4%)
 Arrhythmia 27 (39.1%)
 Stroke 16 (23.2%)
 Aortic aneurysm 4 (5.8%)
 COPD 15 (21.7%)
 Asthma 6 (8.7%)
 Gastroduodenal ulcer 5 (7.2%)
 Chronic hepatitis 1 (1.4%)
 Hepatic cirrhosis 1 (1.4%)
 Nephrosis syndrome 3 (4.3%)

*Age and duration of rest are values at the time of US and other data are values at the registration. Catheterization was investigated regardless purpose and site. Values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation for continuous variables. Italics indicate breakdown of the disease. BMI: body mass index; VTE: venous thromboembolism; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease