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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2016 Sep 19.
Published in final edited form as: Hum Mutat. 2012 Jun;33(6):930–940. doi: 10.1002/humu.22049

Table 3.

Overview of Free Online Databases of CNVs in Controls (DGV) or Patients with Genotype–Phenotype Information

Account holders No accounts are created, freely accessible to all users. Professionals in medical genetics only. Professionals in medical genetics and families (patient portal; access to own data only). ISCA Members
Access No restrictions Free public access to anonymized, consented data.
Login upon registration for data entry and curation.
Login upon registration. Login upon registration.
 Costs involved? No No No No
Number of account holders 0 1,135 >1,500 >900
Objectives of the database To provide a comprehensive summary of structural variation in the human genome. The DGV provides a useful catalogue of control data for studies aiming to correlate genomic variation with phenotypic data. Catalogue of pathogenic submicroscopic copy number variants and associated phenotype. Reliable information on rare chromosome anomalies. Leveraging high-quality clinical copy number data to create a CNV Atlas of the human genome.
Number cases
 Total 11,941 controls >11,300 > 4,600 >28,000 deidentified “calls-only” cases; approximately 8,000 of these cases have been collected under the opt-out method of consent and have associated raw data files available in dbGaP.
 Consented 11,941 >5,300 (for free public access and browser display) > 4,600
Number cases
 Prenatal cases 0 0 ~200 ~4,000a
 Postnatal cases 11,941 >11,300 >4,400 >28,000 postnatal
Number of aberrations 101,923 (66,741 CNV; 34,229 InDels; 953 inversions 31,148 >6,200 >13,000
Aberrations Primarily submicroscopic variants are included. Maximum size for CNVs is 3 Mb, while inversions up to 10 Mb are included and may be cytogenetically visible. Some cases have benign CNVs listed as well. Cytogenetically visible and submicroscopic imbalances. Copy number variants identified via clinical constitutional microarray testing.
 Karyotyping 394 Only clinically relevant findings are registered.
 FISH 2,457
 MLPA 475
 QF-PCR 1,271
 GW array 31,148
Number of cases with clinical features 0 4,054 >4,600; based on LDDB >5,000 cases with ≥ one HPO term
 Gender Yes Yes Yes
 Age At examination At last examination At time of testing
 Ethnicity No No No
Data curation Peer reviewed data submitted, with additional data curation provided by DGV staff prior to data entry. Account holders responsibility. Quality control upon entry by the Database Management Team. Submitting laboratories have the opportunity to curate their data against their own previous submissions and the ISCA curated dataset; expert curation committee periodically curates the entire dataset.
Visualization of database content in genome browser? UCSC UCSC UCSC UCSC
DGV genome browser Ensembl DECIPHER Ensembl dbVar

To be submitted at end of prenatal grant.

DGV, Database of Genomic Variants; DECIPHER, DatabasE of Chromosomal Imbalance and Phenotype in Humans using Ensembl Resources ECARUCA, European Cytogeneticists Association Register of Unbalanced Chromosome Aberrations; ISCA, International Standards for Cytogenomic Arrays.