Effect of A1cfKO and Ago2KO on oogenesis and spermatogenesis. (A) Histology (Upper) and total number of eggs (no. of eggs/mm2 ± SD, including different maturation stages) in prepubertal (P21) 129/Sv control, A1cf
KO/+, and Ago2KO/+ ovaries, and number of corpora lutea in adult (P70) ovaries (Lower). N, total number of ovaries examined. (B) Histology of testis (Upper and Lower Left) and average body weight (in milligrams ± SD) with G/B ratio ± SD and total number of sperm (no. of sperm × 106/mL ± SEM) of 129/Sv control, A1cfKO/+, and Ago2KO/+ adult (P70) males (Lower Right). N, total number of males examined. The asterisk indicates that the test value exceeds the 129/Sv value by more than the SEM. (Magnification: B, Upper, 40×; B, Lower Left (boxed area of Upper), 10×.)