Figure 5.
S31ΔN protein is incorporated into translating polyribosomes. Strains TLY56.D3 (UBI3-HA) (A) and TLY63.A3 (ubi3ΔN-HA) (B) were grown in YPD medium at 30°C to mid-log phase. Cell extracts were prepared and 10 A260 units of each extract were resolved in 7–50% sucrose gradients and fractionated. Proteins were extracted from each fraction and equal volumes analyzed by western blotting using anti-HA, anti-S8 and anti-L5 antibodies. The position of free 40S and 60S r-subunits, 80S vacant ribosomes/monosomes and polysomes, obtained from the recorded A254 profiles, are shown. T stands for aliquots of the applied total cell extracts.