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. 2016 Sep 19;4:34. doi: 10.1186/s41038-016-0053-9

Table 1.

Basic information on the papers included for qualitative analysis

Paper Aetiology Study design Targeted skin layer Patients (n) Assessment SIGN score LESS score
Adcock et al. 2001 [23] Pig skin RCT Hypodermis 4 Intra-dermal tonometry ++ 17
Adcock et al. 1998 [1] Pig skin RCT Dermis/hypodermis 12 Histology ++ 16
Revuz et al. 2002 [19] Ageing skin CCT Dermis 24 Subjective assessment of skin laxity and skin loosening, stereophogrammetry, cutometer ++ 16
Moseley et al. 2007 [24] Scar-like RCT Dermis/hypodermis 10 Likert scale, tonometry ++ 16
Bourgeois et al. 2008 [27] Scars RCT Epidermis/dermis 20 Subjective assessment of pain, itch, tightness, erythema and skin smoothening, profilometry ++ 13
Lucassen et al. 1997 [15] Healthy skin Pre/post Dermis/hypodermis 19 High-frequency ultrasound + 13
Watson et al. 1999 [2] Healthy skin RCT Epidermis/dermis 5 Laser-Doppler imaging, lymphoscintigraphy, venous flowmetry + 13
Ortonne et al. 2003 [26] Lipodystrophy RCT Dermis/hypodermis 30 High-frequency ultrasound, fringe projection, skin fold thickness + 13
Innocenzi et al. 2003 [21] Lipodystrophy CCT Epidermis/dermis 15 Quantitative histology + 11
Monteux et al. 2008 [13] Lipodystrophy Pre/post Dermis/hypodermis 9 Skin fold thickness + 11
Marques et al. 2011 [16] Healthy skin Pre/post Hypodermis 12 Gene profiling, micro-array + 11
Innocenzi et al. 2002 [20] Lipodystrophy CCT Epidermis/dermis 12 Descriptive histology + 10
Scuderi et al. 2008 [28] Healthy skin RCT Epidermis/dermis 10 Subjective assessment of skin smoothening and skin tone 0 10
Majani et al. 2013 [18] Scars Pre/post Epidermis/dermis 26 Subjective assessment of skin smoothness, pain, tenderness, oedema and aesthetic improvement, histology 0 10
Marquez-Rebollo 2014 [17] Scar-like Pre/post Epidermis/dermis 70 Number of indurations 0 10
Gavroy et al. 1996 [22] Scars CCT Details not available 606 Test de glissement 0 7
Lattarulo et al. 2001 [14] Healthy skin Pre/post Epidermis/dermis 34 Laser-Doppler imaging, tcpO2 0 7
Worret et al. 2004 [3] Scar-like Pre/post Dermis 10 Subjective assessment of pain, colour and elasticity, Quality of Life, cutometer 0 7
Delprat et al. 1995 [12] Scars Pre/post Details not available 132 Test de glissement 0 5

RCT randomised controlled trial, CCT controlled clinical trial, tcpO2 transcutaneous oxygen pressure