BMPER hypomorphs (+/−) demonstrate thinner right and LV walls, mild changes in mitral valves and occasional VSDs. (A) Compared to wild-type hearts, BMPER +/− hearts have thinner ventricular walls than the wild-type and BMPER −/− hearts. BMPER +/− hearts have decreased compaction of the left (B and C) and right ventricle (D), indicated by arrowheads, compared to sibling E18.5 wild-type hearts. (E) BMPER +/− mice also had consistently demonstrated subtle differences in the shape and length of their mitral valves compared to wild-type valves (arrows). (F) Movat’s staining of a wild-type heart (left) with rich blue (glycosaminoglycans) in the mitral valve connecting to the heart and an example of the diversity of BMPER −/− mitral valves seen, including a mostly normal mitral valve (MV) (middle) and thicker, septated MV (right). Elastin (yellow) is prevalent in the BMPER −/− valve mesenchyme and glycosaminoglycans are also highly prevalent in the BMPER −/− MVs (particularly the abnormal heart on the right). Bright red is fibrin, red is muscle and nuclei/elastic fibers are black. S, septum. (A–E) N=4–5 mice per group (outlined in Supplemental Table 1). (B) N=2 per group.