42 kDa |
ND2 |
ND2, ND4, 49 kDa (N-terminus), ESSS, KFYI, B14.5b, B13 |
Nucleoside kinase fold; does not contact hydrophilic core subunits or B14+SDAP-α |
39 kDa |
ND1, ND3 (class 2 only), ND6, 75 kDa, 30 kDa, PSST, TYKY, 18 kDa, 13 kDa, B14 |
Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase fold20 with bound NAD(P)(H)21
18 kDa |
75 kDa |
75 kDa, 51 kDa, 49 kDa, 30 kDa, TYKY, 39 kDa, 10 kDa, B17.2, B14 |
Four-strand β-sheet with helix located between 75 and 30 kDa |
15 kDa |
ND2 |
ND2, ND3, ND4L, ND6, PGIV, SGDH, B16.6, B14.5b |
CHCH domain; IMS13
13 kDa |
75 kDa, 49 kDa, TYKY, 39 kDa, B17.2 |
Zinc-binding domain22 at the interface of TYKY, 75 and 49 kDa |
10 kDa |
24 kDa |
75 kDa, 51 kDa, 24 kDa, 18 kDa |
Present in the three-subunit flavoprotein subcomplex with 51 and 24 kDa |
ND5 |
ND5, B12 |
1 TMH; uncertain assignment of AGGG and B12 between chains j and k |
ND5 |
ND4, ND5, B22, B15 |
1 TMH; large globular domain on the matrix face, TMH crosses transverse helix |
ND4 |
ND4, ND5, 42 kDa, PDSW, SGDH, B22, B15, B14.5b |
1 TMH; poorly resolved N-terminus on matrix face; possible disulphide 112 to PDSW 154. |
ND2 |
42 kDa, B14.5b |
1 TMH; attached to complex by B14.5b |
ND4 |
1 TMH |
ND1 |
ND1, ND6, TYKY, PGIV, B17.2, B16.6, B14.5a |
1 TMH; runs alongside ND1 TMH1 at proposed entrance to Q-binding site |
ND1 |
ND1, ND2, ND4, 15 kDa, MWFE, SGDH, B16.6, B14.5b, B9 |
Two CHCH domains; IMS13
ND4 |
ND4, ND5, ESSS, MNLL, SGDH, B18, B17, B15, B14.5b |
Extensive helix structure on IMS face; two likely internal disulphides (112-124, 76-83); possible disulphide 154 to ESSS-112 |
SDAP-α |
30 kDa |
B14 |
ACP on the hydrophilic domain16
SDAP-β |
ND5 |
ND5, ASHI, B22, B17, B12 |
ACP on the membrane domain16
ND4 |
ND2, ND4, ND5, ND6, 15 kDa, ESSS, MNLL, PDSW, PGIV, B22, B17, B16.6, B14.5b |
1 TMH; long helix running along the IMS face of the membrane domain |
B22 |
ND5 |
ND4, ND5, ASHI, SDAP-β, SGDH, B17, B15, B12 |
LYR protein that binds SDAP-β |
B18 |
ND5 |
ND5, AGGG, PDSW, B17 |
CHCH domain; IMS13
B17.2 |
ND1, 75 kDa, PSST, TYKY, 18 kDa, 13 kDa, MWFE, B14.5a |
Three-strand β-sheet and long loop running across hydrophilic domain |
B17 |
ND5 |
ND5, PDSW, SDAP-β, SGDH, B22 |
1 TMH; helix on the matrix face, β-strand in IMS augments β-hairpin between ND5 TMHs |
B16.6 |
ND1 |
ND1, ND3, ND6, 49 kDa, TYKY, 15 kDa, MWFE, PGIV, SGDH, B14.5a, B9 |
1 TMH; 6S-residue helix that crosses the membrane then turns along the IMS face |
B15 |
ND4 |
ND4, ND5, ASHI, PDSW, B22, B14.7 |
1 TMH; long helix runs across the matrix face of the membrane domain |
B14.7 |
ND2 |
ND2, ND4, ND5, SGDH, B15 |
4 TMHs; on the anchor of the transverse helix; likely disulphide 18-75 |
B14.5a |
49 kDa |
75 kDa, 51 kDa, 49 kDa, 30 kDa, TYKY, MWFE, B17.2, B16.6, B13 |
Long loop structure over hydrophilic domain |
B14.5b |
ND2 |
ND2, ND4, 42 kDa, 15 kDa, ESSS, KFYI, PDSW, PGIV, SGDH, B15 |
2 TMHs; anchors KFYI to complex |
B14 |
30 kDa |
75 kDa, 49 kDa, 30 kDa, PSST, 39 kDa, 18 kDa, SDAP-α, |
LYR protein that binds SDAP-α15
B13 |
30 kDa |
49 kDa, 30 kDa, 42 kDa, B14.5a |
Three-helix bundle |
B12 |
ND5 |
ND5, SDAP-β, AGGG, B22 |
1 TMH; uncertain assignment of AGGG and B12 between chains j and k |
B9 |
ND1 |
ND1, ND3, ND6, TYKY, 15 kDa, PGIV, B16.6 |
1 TMH |
B8 |
75 kDa |
75 kDa |
Thioredoxin-like fold38. Possible disulphide 23-57 |