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. 2016 Sep 7;8:ecurrents.outbreaks.849adc0ad16beec4536695281707f785. [Version 1] doi: 10.1371/currents.outbreaks.849adc0ad16beec4536695281707f785

Phylogenetic Tree.

Figure 1

Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree based on complete E gene nucleic acid sequences (1512 bp) constructed using MEGA 7.011 with bootstrap support (1,000 replications). GenBank accession numbers are given for the ZIKV isolate TS17-2016 (KX216635) and other representative ZIKV global strains which group into one of the major Asian, East or West African lineages. Horizontal branch lengths are proportional to the bar representing the number of nucleotide substitutions/site. Percentage bootstrap support values are shown for key nodes.