Figure 3. The most under-represented mRNA:rRNA interactions correspond to exterior regions of the ribosome.
(A) In the upper bar, the regions of the T. thermophilus SSU rRNA that are under-represented in stable interactions with mRNAs (p<0.05) are highlighted in red. In the lower bar, the inaccessible residues (<3.4 Angstroms from other nucleotides or amino acids in the PDB structure 4WZO). (B) The 3 dimensional structure of the T. thermophilus ribosome includes 5S, SSU and LSU rRNA, 48 ribosomal proteins, 4 tRNA and a bound mRNA (PDB ID: 4WZO) (Rozov et al., 2015). We have highlighted the most avoided regions of the SSU rRNA in red (based upon the fewest stable interactions with T. thermophilus mRNAs (p<0.05). Two different orientations are shown on the left and right, the upper structure shows just the SSU rRNA and mRNA structures, the lower includes the ribosomal proteins (coloured blue). Bottom right, a view of the ribosome that also includes the LSU rRNA (green) is also shown. There is a significant correspondence between the accessibility of a region of SSU rRNA and the degree to which it is avoided (p=2.5 × 10−17, Fisher’s exact test).