Table 2.
Poisson model comparisons for males
Any Eating Disorder
Anorexia Nervosa
Other Eating Disorder
Deviance | DF | Deviance | DF | Deviance | DF | |
Model I. Agea | 501.3 | 65 | 231.7 | 65 | 455.1 | 65 |
Model II. Agea + Period (drift)b | 105.8 | 64 | 69.0 | 64 | 98.0 | 64 |
Model III. Agea + Periodc | 67.6 | 58 | 47.9 | 58 | 58.6 | 58 |
Model IV. Agea + Cohortd | 299.0 | 64 | 146.9 | 64 | 271.1 | 64 |
Model V. Agea + Period (drift)b + Cohortd | 105.4 | 63 | 68.9 | 63 | 98.0 | 63 |
Model VI. Agea + Periodc + Cohortd | 67.5 | 57 | 47.9 | 57 | 58.6 | 57 |
Model II vs. Model Ie | p < 0.001 | p < 0.001 | p < 0.001 | |||
Model III vs. Model IIe | p < 0.001 | p = 0.002 | p < 0.001 | |||
Model VI vs. Model IIIe | p = 0.84 | p = 0.92 | p = 0.85 | |||
Best-Fitting Model (overdispersion test)f | Model III (p = 0.70) | Model III (p = 0.99) | Model III (p = 0.99) |
Abbreviations: DF = Degrees of Freedom
Age treated as categorical variable with levels for every year between 8 and 30 (inclusive). There is no reference level because model excludes an intercept term.
Period treated as an interval variable with the levels described in footnote c assigned integer values 0 – 10.
Period treated as categorical variable with levels [1987–1991] (reference level), [1992–1997], [1998–1999], [2000–2001], [2002–2003], [2004–2005], [2006–2007], [2008–2009].
(Birth) Cohort treated as categorical variable with levels [1979–1990] (reference level), [1991–2001].
p-value based on chi-squared test comparing (residual) deviance and DF for Model A (less reduced model) versus Model B (more reduced model).
p-value based on (one-sided) test of H1. Poisson model mean < variance (overdispersion) versus H0. mean = variance (no overdispersion).