Figure 5.
Comparison of prey population stability (a) and productivity (b–c) after selection experiment. In panels (a and b), grey bars show means for evolved treatments (T. pyriformis only, T. pyriformis+A. polyphaga and T. pyriformis+C. paramecium) and white bars show means for non-evolved treatments (all other protist communities). x Axis in panels (a and b) denotes the number of protists prey selection lines evolved during the selection experiment; white bar with 0 protists denotes control selection line (bacterium-only). Panel (c) shows productivity at the colony-type level within phenotypically most diverse experimental communities. B, SBW25 P. fluorescens bacterium; protists: TP, T. pyriformis; TV, T. vorax; CP, C. paramecium; AP, A. polyphaga. In all panels, error estimate is ±1 s.e.m.