a. and b. Ectopic expression of 3’UTRs of STARD13, CDH5, HOXD1, and HOXD10 decreased vimentin mRNA levels a. and increased E-cadherin mRNA levels b. measured by qRT-PCR normalized to GAPDH. c. and d. Ectopic expression of 3’UTRs of STARD13, CDH5, HOXD1, and HOXD10 decreased vimentin protein levels c. and increased E-cadherin protein levels d. analyzed by western blot relative to β-actin. e. and f. Knockdown of STARD13, CDH5, HOXD1, and HOXD10 increased vimentin mRNA levels e. and decreased E-cadherin mRNA levels f. measured by qRT-PCR normalized to GAPDH. g. and h. Knockdown of STARD13, CDH5, HOXD1, and HOXD10 increased vimentin protein levels g. and decreased E-cadherin protein levels h. analyzed by western blot relative to β-actin. i. MDA-MB-231 (left panel) and MCF-7 cells (right panel) treated with 3’UTRs of STARD13, CDH5, HOXD1, and HOXD10 expressed lower levels of vimentin and higher levels of E-cadherin compared to the untreated control group visualized by fluorescence microscopy. j. Knockdown of STARD13, CDH5, HOXD1, and HOXD10 elevated vimentin expression (left panel) and decreased E-cadherin expression (right panel) compared to the control group visualized by fluorescence microscopy. Green, vimentin was immunostained with anti-vimentin; blue, nuclei were stained with DAPI. a. and b., e. and f. Data were presented as mean ± s.d.; **P < 0.01 vs. Control.