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. 2016 Sep 20;11(9):e0162437. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0162437

Table 3. Tabular overview of all NR34C1 variants reported in this paper.

This study MAF in control population
Current name Change at DNA and protein level refSNP MAF (411 patients) 1000 Genomes EUR (NCBI Assay ID) ESP EA ExACNFE
ER23/23EK c.66G>A (p.Glu22Glu) rs6189 2.19% 2.98% (ss1317539291) 2.93% 2.44%
c.68G>A (p.Arg23Lys) rs6190 2.98% (ss1317539290) 2.85% 2.44%
N363S c.1088A>G (p.Asn363Ser) rs56149945 (former rs6195 or rs356601909) 2.67% 1.79% (ss1317539264) 3.06% 3.19%
BclI c.1184+646C>G (p.?) rs41423247 32.8% 37.97% (ss1317539254) N/A N/A

MAF: Minor Allelic Frequency

1000 Genomes: 1000 genome project Phase3_V1 A global reference for human genetic variation, The 1000 Genomes Project Consortium, Nature 526, 68–74 (01 October 2015) doi:10.1038/nature15393. (URL: [07,2016 accessed].

EUR: 1,006 samples of European ancestry

ESP: Exome Variant Server, NHLBI GO Exome Sequencing Project (ESP), Seattle, WA (URL: [07,2016 accessed]

EA: 4,300 European American individuals

ExAC: Exome Aggregation Consortium (ExAC), Cambridge, MA (URL: [07,2016 accessed]

NFE: al least 33,329 European (Non Finnish) subjects

N/A: not available, deep intronic position