Influence of
magnesium ions on the steady-state kinetics of MST
enzymes. (A) Plots of percent of maximal velocity vs MgCl2 concentration for EntC (circles, green line), PchA (squares, red
line), and Irp9 (diamonds, blue line). The effect of the magnesium
ion on vmax is apparent in this panel.
It should be noted that magnesium-dependent inhibition is evident
for the isochorismate synthases (isomerases) (EntC and PchA) but not
for the salicylate synthase (Irp9). Inset: an enlargement of the upper
left-hand corner of the plot. (B) Plots of percent of maximal velocity
vs chorismate concentration at 0.5 mM MgCl2 for EntC (circles,
solid green line), PchA (squares, solid red line), and Irp9 (diamonds,
solid green line) and at 10 mM MgCl2 for EntC (circles,
dashed green line), PchA (squares, dashed red line), and Irp9 (diamonds,
dashed blue line). The decrease in the chorismate Km with increasing magnesium concentration is easily recognizable
in this panel. (C) Table of steady-state kinetic values derived from