a, Representative traces of sIPSCs in dentate gyrus granule cells from Gabrd/Pomc mice and Cre−/− littermates. b, Superimposed traces of average sIPSCs normalized to the peak amplitude from Gabrd/Pomc mice and Cre−/− littermates showing no change in the decay time constant. c, There is no difference in the frequency or peak amplitude of sIPSCs between in Gabrd/Pomc mice or Cre−/− littermates. d, Representative traces of tonic currents in dentate gyrus granule cells from Gabrd/Pomc mice and Cre−/− littermates. e, The average tonic current is decreased in dentate gyrus granule cells from Gabrd/Pomc mice compared to Cre−/− littermates. n = 12 – 25 slices, 3 – 8 mice per experimental group. * denotes significance of p<0.05 using a Student’s t-test.