Figure 4. Summary of cognitive deficits after extended meth self-administration.
Among the few studies investigating cognitive alterations induced by LgA meth SA, some vulnerable structures have been reported (bold arrows), while other related structures have not been fully explored (dotted arrows). The lower level depicts neurophysiological alterations that have been corroborated with LgA meth-induced cognitive impairments, in the PFC [32, 124], striatum [15, 24, 124], hippocampus [142–144] and perirhinal cortex [107, 109, 118]. 5-CSRTT: five-choice serial reaction time task; ASST: Attention set-shifting task; PFC: prefrontal cortex; Str: striatum; Hipp: hippocampus; PRH: perirhinal cortex; DAT: dopamine active transporter; LTD: long term depression.